Are you fast enough when every second counts?

Save more lives. Speed up your emergency response with our complete panic button solution

Test yourself

Tell the company-internal Emergency Response number

85% of your personnel most likely do not know your company-internal Emergency Response phone number. Let alone your guests.

How long does it take to get the company Emergency Response team running to the incident location?

Typically it takes 3-5 minutes before the Emergency Response team knows where to run to

How is the Emergency Response team informed on incidents?

Additional phone calls or personal services like Whatsapp are used, slowing response down further

Why speed matters

Life-saving seconds are lost. Chance of surviving decreases significantly every second.

“After only four minutes, brain cells become irrecoverably damaged, in case of a heart attack”

ioAlarm to the rescue

Start Emergency Response within 10 seconds

With the press of a button, all available company Emergency Responders are informed.

Zero knowledge needed. Installation and use is child’s play

Everyone understands a panic button. It’s child’s play.

Location included in the request for help

Upon button press, all available Emergency Responders receive an alert including the location of the button.

No phone needed

No smartphone. No apps. Nothing needed to request help. Just press the button.

Choose how Emergency Responders are alerted

Configure your notification preferences via your personalised dashboard. Voice call, e-mail, SMS, Push Message, MS Teams and Slack are supported

Worry-free solution

Zero-maintenance panic buttons are our default. Gateways with uninterruptible power supply available.
160K Users
4.8 Rating
8.9K Premium
8.9K Premium

How it works

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam.

Press the button when Emergency Response is needed

All available Emergency Responders receive an alert, including the location. Emergency Responders availability and communication preferences can be configured easily: voice call, SMS, MS Teams, Slack and push notifications

Emergency Responders start saving lives

What Our Customers Says to Us?

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam.

Brian Claude

"The io Tracker 3 stands out for its compactness, durability and adaptability. Personally, I believe it's one of the very best LoRaWAN devices on the market."

Candace Zoe

"The io Tracker is easy to install and works without any extra infrastructure"

George John

"The io Tracker is a reliable and stable device with a solid housing."

Order now


As many as needed, without additional costs.

SMS, e-mail, push message, MSTeams, Slack, Discord and more.

The ioButton is built to last. The battery life is 10+ years and standard batteries are used. Battery replacement can be executed by anyone without the use of tools.

Upon a button press, an alert is sent wirelessly to the provided gateway(s), which in return sends the alerts to the ioThings platform over Internet. The ioThings platform enriches the alerts with location information and forwards the alerts to the configured Emergency Response team members through the selected communication channels.

The ioButton can be installed without special tools or knowledge required.

Drop us a message via and we will respond within a business day.

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